Tuesday, August 25, 2009

From Gaudy to God-E

Have you ever met someone who is constantly concerned with how they look? They are always making sure they have the latest outfit or they their hair is always in the right place or maybe they go to the bathroom just to look at themselves in the mirror. Sometimes these people successfully fool us into believing that they have it all together and they are the perfect package or maybe not. Maybe you can see right through the façade they daily put on. If you have been fooled into believing these people or have even become one of these people yourself I want to give you a heads up: This is not the way God intended us to live.

God is a god of many things; however, physical appearance and circumstances are not one of the areas he concerns himself with or wants you to worry about either. In Proverbs 31:30 it reads, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” I understand this passage is speaking directly to women of Noble Character but it still stands true for men. It is easy for any of us to get caught up in appearances and basing our self worth on our appearance. As children of God, there are certain ways that we must present ourselves. I am not simply talking about modest clothing or excessive make-up either. I am talking about something that goes beyond our outer appearance. I am talking about how we are presenting ourselves on a character-based level. What is the attitude we approach people with? Are we living our lives to please God or are we trying to please ourselves or maybe even other people around us?

I think it is time we start holding up a spiritual mirror every morning and focus on a mental makeover rather than a facial. Make-up has always had the stigma of being a cover up, but have you ever thought that the reason we concern ourselves with our appearance so much is because its easier to cover up a blemish and comb out the tangles in our hair than it is to fix what is going on inside? The reality is that spiritual change is hard to make. It takes time and courage to look inside and find the cause of real issues and problems in our life.

I want to encourage you this week to take some time for yourself each day and examine your life. How am I treating the people I love? Am I representing Christ through demonstrating the fruits of the spirit? And if I am not doing those things, how might God want me to change? If we are daily clothing ourselves in Jesus Christ, our outer appearance will reflect what is going on inside. Our smile will be brighter and have a more genuine impact on strangers. Our eyes will be opened to see God’s blessings. Our clothing will reveal humility and reverence for God rather than revealing parts of our body.

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