Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lord, Only You Can Change Me

In John chapter 13 we see the humbling story of Jesus washing the Desciples feet. What is it about this story that is so real and insightful to our lives today? Is it the fact that we never understand what God is doing for us and we always seem to miss the point like Simon. First Simon Peter says he won’t let Jesus wash his feet and then when Jesus explains himself Simon takes Jesus’ words to the extreme and asks Jesus to wash his whole body as if to say that it’s not enough and Jesus doen’t know what he is doing. Or is the reason this story is so applicable today because we continually refuse to accept Jesus’ gift?

Whatever your perception of God is, whether it be a King, a father, a teacher, or maybe even your spiritual Santa Clause( I pray this isn’t the case), do we ever think that God should be washing our feet? It’s a humbling thought, to think that the creator and ruler of the heavens, earth, and all the universe wants to serve you, but even more he sacrificed his son for you. I’m sure this is all stuff you have heard before if you have been to more than one church service in your life; but the fact is that we forget it the moment we step back into our reality. We take control of our live and make life about doing and accomplishing and being good enough, wealthy enough, pretty enough. When we try to be enough, what we are really saying to God is, “Lord, you will never wash my feet”. We can make up a myriad of excuses as to why we do this: God has too many important things to deal with or once I get back on track then I can give it to God.

Many people in our world are trying to be something or accomplish a goal, but the funny thing is that God could care less about your goals and what you are and aren’t. He made you so that He could complete you. In Philippians, it says that “he who began a good work in you will carry it out”. He will continue to work out you salvation. He made you so he could fill you. You will never be or do or accomplish enough: plain and simple. It’s hard to hear but the good/great news is that God is enough. He completes you daily. Each day, we wake up and put on make-up or clothes and do our hair, but we forget the one thing that makes us complete, our God. This week I encourage you that instead of making a trip back into the house for your cup of coffee or your earring, grab your bible; say good morning to your maker; accept the gift of love and compassion he daily offers you. Let HIM fill that void of impurity and imperfection.

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